Monday, March 24, 2008

absoulte vs apparent ....

Disclaimer !!! : Firstly i don't wanna sound boring here ;) ... Think about it , these are really intriguing questions , start thinking about it and you will find yourself lost in time :)... And this is my first blog , so it may not be up to the mark ..>>>>

This blog is about the doubts which have been residing in my mind for quite sometime now. I am writing this in search of a few answers.What is life ? What is the absolute truth about life ? Is is wat we see just the apparent reality or in other words , PERSPECTIVE ? How can we be successful in finding the absolute truth ? Well.......baffling are'nt they ? These questions plague me almost everyday nowadays.

Lemme start off with a simple example. Suppose you go to a movie , you feel the movie direction and all the camera work was just amazing !! Bravo ... but then , the next time you see the movie you feel 'where was the story ?' the story sucks .. Then you feel , 'although there was no story , it was full time pass for 3 hours' ..... my question comes here ..... With the progression with the time domain your thinking axis changes its direction. So , wats the absolute reality here ? i mean , how was the movie ? You may think 'diff ppl have diff tastes' or 'the perspective changes with person' BUT BUT BUT .... Think of the underlying conflict , it was the same person before and after but only the time and the environment has changed ... Wats the absolute reality then ?? i mean , was the movie really good or not ? how do you judge it ? it becomes relative or apparent right ?????Take this to a broader sense , about life ... you will find yourself in a maze !!

If you really start to focus on everyday things around us , you will see this conflict !! you start to question wats the correct and wats the wrong .

By the way i have an interesting fact here :) .... a person's physical body regenerates it self in 3 4 yrs ... which means the cells and at the most basic level , the atoms which we are composed of completely changes itself !!! this means our physical body is "replaced" every few days .. and our thinking changes as we get more and more the most superficial sense wats the absolute "I" ?? (soul remains the same with time , but i m talking about the conflicts in life like this where there's a conflict about the absolute and the apparent)

NExt bigg question:
What is life ? And are we really unique as animals ???
Even any other animal might think of itself as the highest form of life !(you ll nevva know) so as humans , are we really unique and most evolved ? Anyway ... wat is actually life ? (I know this question has baffled many ppl , but it continues to baffle me !)
Life as i know has been split up into 'the physical life', 'the mental life' and the soul ... the soul is the ultimate and highest level. The physical life is wat is composed of all the 'material comforts' and pain ,etc etc . The mental life is the next level which drives the physical life . But the ultimate thing is the soul , according to me , it knows neither good nor bad , neither happiness nor sadness , it is the purest thing . But on continuous meddling and pushing and pulling , it gets affected by the mental and physical life ... Question is wat exactly is 'LIFE' meant to be ? I mean wats the absolute truth of life ?! (he he , i may sound like a old tape recorder here but i cant help it , the question is eating my head )

Next ...
are we really living for ourselves or for the society ?!
well.......most of us i would say , we live for the society(most part of the time,even some claim that they don't , trust me everyone lives ultimately for the society)...but i don't say its wrong , thats the way to go..(according to me when you are in a setup , certain rules and regulations along with certain degree of obligations and all have to be followed) ...but where is the real "I" ?(again the classical question of absolute vs apparent)

Well thats the core of the questions eating my head ! ABSOLUTE Vs APPARENT ... Just think , how apparent a life everyone leads ( this maybe the way to go but .....).....

If you dint get the crunch of the blog ... pls leave some comments and suggestions for the next blog ...Good day fellas !!!